Photography by Ellephotography.net
I woke up this morning saying "How did I get here "! My healthy habits have been little to none over the past few weeks, (LOL) I'm lying... months... as a result of the immense transition that has happened in my personal and business life as of late.
Moreover, it's hard to find time even when things are considered normal. Elbows on the counter, head in my hands, I proclaimed to start "today"! But first, I had to find my "Why". And it hit me; my life is not about me, all that I do is for a higher purpose. My motivation should be to thank and honor the God that continues to bless me, and to properly serve others. So I found my Why, and made a healthy smoothie, instead of skipping breakfast as a result of a coffee overdose! It felt GOOD. My decision effected my entire day. I felt empowered, and I felt capable. And I want you to feel the same way. So here are 3 reasons to make your "why" not about you, so that you are sure to reach your health, fitness and even life goals:
1. Understanding that your life is a gift.
When you receive a rare gift like a diamond, a child, or family heirloom, you take special care not to lose, break or harm these precious endowments. This is the same regard in which you should look at your health. Your life is a gift given to you by a loving God that needs you to serve mankind. You should take special care of your gift by taking care of your body. When you take care of your body, you are a better thinker, doer and conquerer. It is the catalyst in finding the energy and purpose for which what we are all seeking. So the next time that you are at the cross roads of the couch or a squat, an apple or cookie, remember that you and your life are a precious and rare. Treasure your gift of life by holding it in a special place, where no one can harm it - not even yourself.
2. People need you.
Your loved ones, friends, family and even co-workers need you. They need you to have the energy to interact with them. They need you to be in a good mood. They need you to be alive. They need you to be happy. Remember, you are a precious irreplaceable gift to them, that should be handled with CARE. And the only person who can do that is - YOU!
3. Your gift keeps giving.
How many times have you scrolled down IG or Facebook, and saw some awesome selfie of an energetic person drinking a smoothie, or glistening from the sweat of a completed workout, and said to yourself, I need to "DO BETTER". When you make a good choice, it is contagious. When some one sees you making a healthy choice, they are either convicted, inspired or at least reminded to do the same. Guess what? You have served mankind!
So when you are having difficulty making a healthy choice, aim higher. Remember who you are, and that YOUR life is a precious and rare gift that keeps giving and that WE all need YOU.
Please spread the word by sharing this article on social media or with friends. My goal is to renew the minds of all women to have a more positive self image, and a more spiritual motivation about meeting their health and fitness goals. Will you help me do this?
Thank you,
Jacinda aka "Jay"