Over the next few months, I will be emailing you about something that I've launched called the Letting Go Project! It is just was it says, a project about Letting Go. You see, Transformation is a continual process of Letting Go. Once you think you've arrived, you must surrender again and again. Each surrender, if we'll allow it, is a step closer to the sweet, loving, bold and powerful women that God designed us to be; the work he began when we were little girls! Philipians1:6

Letting Go is NOT self help. Â I repeat. Letting Go is NOT self help. Self help is like a prescription drug used to treat the symptoms of the pain, confusion, overwhelm, fear and discontentment in your life. Letting Go is the bold and fearless action of full emersing yourself in Faith. Each time you fret, doubt think or speak negatively, your only option is to pray, read the word, or confide in the faithful support of this or another spiritual group. Every time you overcome an obstacle through faith, you will gain wisdom that you can now utilise to heal and take control of your life, health and your circumstances.
I will say that Letting Go is a process that happens daily and over-time. You'll be appreciating in power and value with each victory.
My Experience in Letting Go
I embarked on my this project on my own in 2018, and put myself to the test. I decided to Try out for the New Orleans Saint's Dance Team, at the age of 42 with no experience; just a reason to let go of every excuse that I could think of, letting go of the outcome, and trusting God through the entire process.Â
It all came about in a coaching session with my fellow coach Nancy Berley, I discovered that my lack of energy was linked to that fact that I really just wanted to enjoy life again. I wanted to feel like I was dancing through life rather than sitting through life. I wanted the opportunity to move again, to feel like a woman again, to express and feel joy in my body, as it had been sacrificed to motherhood. I hated working out, and dancing sounded like something that would make me get up in the morning. Â I never had the chance to do Pole Fitness anymore, and there were many things going on in my life that were zapping my physical and mental energy.
This Project allowed me to notice all negative self talk, reasons to quit, telling myself that I was to old, a busy mom, un-worthy and stupid. But I went with the belief that I actually COULD make it. Of course I wanted to see my self in a shiny cute black and gold outfit in the Super-Dome with other 23 year olds. Â But my end goal was to Let Go and surrender to the truth that any thing is possible. I expected to come out better, stronger, wiser, fitter, and more confident than I was when I had started, whether I made it or not. And I DID!! Â I was able to be an example to my son, showing him to never quit, a better wife by allowing my husband to support me, and more faithful allowing God to guide me. And the coolest thing, I am now able to walk YOU through this amazing process.
It's hard to sum up the process in a paragraph, so I will be sharing my Letting Go Journey with you over time!
Now, it's time for YOU to jump in and Let Go. I want you to experience the depths of who you are through the process of surrender, and I am going to coach you through it!
STEP 1: Join the Group - this not Social Media Group. It is a private and sacred community and space linked to my website where you can share and grow with other like-minded women. We don't need the  distractions of social Media!
Steps two and three will be revealed soon after you join the group. Until then, began thinking of that THING, GOAL or VISION that you have been wanting to embark on. Plan to at least get started with full support, accountability and the right steps in the right order fully lead by GOD and your inner wisdom.
Below is the Video that I submitted to the Saintsations! And as a woman, you know I can pick that apart and talk about how low my kicks were, and how incomplete my turn was, but chose to own the fact that I DID and I had FUN, and I am BETTER woman! At the cost of a not-so-perfect kick, I will take take I learned! Enjoy the video...see you in the Group!