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Overthinking Or Ruminating? Boudoir can help!

Writer's picture: Jacinda HainesJacinda Haines

Have you ever experienced something like a major transition, something that you could not control, or find an immediate the answer to, so you constantly ruminate and overthink it? You so badly want to give it to God, trust and be in the moment, but your mind just won't allow you to let it go?

I remember when was going through my divorce and separation, I found myself ruminating! I was constantly thinking about, replaying, and worrying about the should haves, could haves and what if's!😣 The algorithms in my mind began to manifest in my reality; turning into worry, doubt, fear and attempt to even diminish myself worth. So I had to find something else to think about. Something that built me up, reminded me of who I am, and something to make me smile! So, I did a photo shoot!

Well there is a great scripture that tells us to think on these things: what so ever is true, honest, just, pure and are of good report. If there be any virtue or any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8.

That is precisely how to immediately break the stronghold and habit of overthinking and ruminating! Imaging your thumbs scrolling through 50-100 beautiful photos of you! Photos that are of good report, praise, are pure, just, and definitely LOVELY! Yes, I give you a ton shots so you bask in your beauty forever! So go ahead, book your Boudoir Now! Trust me, you are missing out the longer you "overthink it" 😉

I offer a Max Boudior for Session $497, and a Mini for $297. You will get $100 off of the Max if you book during the month of August! So let's go!

Use Promo code: SEXY100 at checkout! 👇🏾

Got Questions? Book a 15 minute call with me! 👇🏾

Or Simply call the Lounge at 251-471-9600, or text 215-753-4565

Thank you,

Jacinda 😘 xoxo

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