Loving yourself is probably a harder excercise than going to the gym. It requires you to find strength that goes beyond a a relentless spin class, but it an excercise that changes your approach to life. One of the miracles of loving yourself is the benefit of self care and being gentle to yourself.

photo by ellephotography.net The number one reason that people loathe the often grueling task of working out is because at the end of the day, it never solves the problem that your are facing, which is change overnight that last! LOL!!! And it is often hard, when it should be fun! In fact, the only way that it will be fun and effective is if it is easy on the "mind". The only way that it is easy is if you go easy on yourself. The only way to go easy on yourself, is to love yourself. This is hard as hell to do for most people in general, especially women. So I recommend you stay out of the gym with lofty goals until you conquer or at least start to consider “self love” so that you change your approach to get the lasting results that you so desire. Here are 4 ways to began to fall in love with your body NOW and look GREAT in those skinny jeans Tonight!
Love yourself: This is an invaluable and never ending process. It starts with saying “Yes” to yourself in times when it feels you will miss out on things, knowing that the greater reward is manifesting itself in you! Try the “love yourself” exercise! Stand in the mirror, and say “I love you” at least 10 times. Repeat it until the tears begin to well. This is when you know that you are beginning to believe it!
Stop Self Judgement: Self Judgment is the beginning of self-destruction. We start this process the moment we notice that we are different from others. And for some reason we are conditioned to believe that those differences are something negative, and makes us separate from others. But really those differences are our gifts that make us special, and they are the very thing that connects us with others because others can learn something from our experiences, the way we look and the super amazing person that we are!
Stop Judging Others: Judging others is a very toxic thing to do, but it only affects the judger in a negative way. You see yourself as separate, whether you think you’re better off or worse off than the other person. Seeing yourself a separate is actually a weakness rather an empowering belief, and it is also a very energy draining action. Change your perception and start seeing people in a loving and accepting way, and that positive loving energy will flow back to you. Other people will love you, which will encourage you to love yourself even more! Read "The Judgement Detox" by Gabby Bernstein..
Get a Health Coach: A Qualified Health coach offers a system, support and the accountability to get you across that river that separates you from your ideal life. I am health coach for those that are "ON THE GO" like moms, entrepreneurs and truck drivers to create more time, energy to get healthy and sexy so that they can bring their A-Game to the themselves, their families and the WORLD! Let's chat....call me at 251-471-9600! I loooove to get people out of their slumps to the TOPS of MOUNTIANS!
Thank yo so much for reading. I truly hope you found this inspiring. God put this on my heart to write this Saturday morning... I literally woke up writing! I had no proof readers and a 4 yearly running around, so please excuse typos!
Jacinda Haines